Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Brenda Hollis

Brenda (Hollinger) Hollis, daughter of Harold, and Martin
more of Brenda's photos to come! 

Warren and Marge Hollinger Family

Warren (son of Harold) and Marge Hollinger

Daughter, Alicia Mertz

Son Brett, Melissa and Alexis Hollinger

Lee and Jean McCullough Family

Jean (Hollinger) and Lee McCullough, daughter of Harold Hollinger

Son Matthew, Rebecca and Sydney McCullough

Daughter, Anna McCullough

Son Lucas McCullough

Remembering Ed Hoffer....

John Edwin Hoffer, son of Shirley and John Hoffer, was born March 16, 1963 and died December 2, 1988.  He is remembered fondly for his enormous smile, gentle care, and genuine zeal for life, and left a hole in the fabric woven of those who loved him.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Family of Lisa Clemens

Lisa, daughter of J. Robert, and husband David Clemens

Lisa, with children Lynden, Joe, and Layne Bedenbaugh, Jenna (Bedenbaugh) Pingitore, their father Carl Bedenbaugh, and Andrew Pingitore 

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bryan Hollinger Family

Bryan, son of Bob, Judy, Zac (age 15), Michael (age 9), 2007

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Brad and April Hollinger Family

Brad, son of J. Robert, and April Hollinger

Brad, daughter Maya and son Ian

Maya and Ian