Monday, May 4, 2009

Double Blessings

Ada Brandt (b. 1894, d.1927) and Clayton S. Hollinger, married 1913
Children - Allen, Clarence and Grace

Mabel H. (b.1896, d.1986) and Clayton S. Hollinger (b.1892, d.1983) married 1928
Children - Harold, J. Robert, and Shirley

Children of Clayton S. Hollinger

Allen, Grace, Clayton, J. Robert, Mabel, Clarence and Shirley

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Brenda Hollis

Brenda (Hollinger) Hollis, daughter of Harold, and Martin
more of Brenda's photos to come! 

Warren and Marge Hollinger Family

Warren (son of Harold) and Marge Hollinger

Daughter, Alicia Mertz

Son Brett, Melissa and Alexis Hollinger

Lee and Jean McCullough Family

Jean (Hollinger) and Lee McCullough, daughter of Harold Hollinger

Son Matthew, Rebecca and Sydney McCullough

Daughter, Anna McCullough

Son Lucas McCullough

Remembering Ed Hoffer....

John Edwin Hoffer, son of Shirley and John Hoffer, was born March 16, 1963 and died December 2, 1988.  He is remembered fondly for his enormous smile, gentle care, and genuine zeal for life, and left a hole in the fabric woven of those who loved him.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Family of Lisa Clemens

Lisa, daughter of J. Robert, and husband David Clemens

Lisa, with children Lynden, Joe, and Layne Bedenbaugh, Jenna (Bedenbaugh) Pingitore, their father Carl Bedenbaugh, and Andrew Pingitore 

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bryan Hollinger Family

Bryan, son of Bob, Judy, Zac (age 15), Michael (age 9), 2007

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Brad and April Hollinger Family

Brad, son of J. Robert, and April Hollinger

Brad, daughter Maya and son Ian

Maya and Ian

Saturday, February 21, 2009

shirley and her family on thanksgiving in new orleans

I found these pics on Facebook, posted by Rose.  The Hoffer clan at their best - dinner as a celebration.  Truth be told, Shirley has always had a gift for making even light fare feel special - a time to put all else aside, sit down and have conversation over delicious, healthful food!

top - Emma, daughter of Rick and Angie Hoffer
second - Rose and Grace, daughters of Jody and Ross Hoffer Gittell
third - Ross Gittell, Rick Hoffer, John Hoffer, Pat Lafferty
bottom - Angie Hoffer, Jody Hoffer Gittell, Sandy Lafferty, and Shirley Hoffer

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Liam Hollinger, great grandson of Allen

Liam Hollinger (son of Seth)

The Jim Hollinger Family

Seth, Melissa, Jim (son of Allen), Donna and Ben Hollinger

Daughters of Jody Hoffer Gittell

Rose (15) and Grace (10) Hoffer Gittell, daughters of Jody Hoffer (daughter of Shirley) and Ross Jacobs Gittell.  

Sons of Sharon Hollinger Meck

Elijah, Jeremiah, and Josiah Meck, sons of Sharon Hollinger (daughter of Harold) and Steve Meck.  


The Clayton Shearer Hollinger descendents have planned a reunion for Saturday, June 20 and Sunday, June 21, 2009.   The reunion is being planned by Lisa Hollinger Clemens (daughter of J. Robert) and Jody Hoffer Gittell (daughter of Shirley).

Saturday a group will gather at Hershey Park for the day.  Evening festivities will be held at the Lynden Gallery, home of Lisa, 117 South Market Street, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania.   A light evening buffet will be available starting at 7:00 pm, with Jazz by Brandon Hollinger later in the evening.  

Sunday brunch will be held at John and Shirley's 285 Rhoda Drive, Lancaster, PA.  

Grandchildren of J. Robert - the missing two!

Zac and Michael, sons of Bryan and Judy Hollinger

Grandchildren of J. Robert, minus 2

Lynden, Ian, Joe, Layne, Maya and Jenna.  (Ian and Maya, children of Brad and April; the others are children of Lisa and Carl)